Taxes Suck, But Sales Don’t!

If you live in the US today is Tax Day (although technically taxes don’t have to be turned in until Monday due to a federal holiday). I get that taxes are important and that they fund all the important social programs that I support, but as a married person, self-employed, with no children, taxes get to be a little frustrating, since I never get a refund and always have to pay out. I know it’s coming, but it still makes me resentful.

So instead of brooding on it, let’s celebrate! From now until the end of April, get 15% off anything in either my online shop or my Ravelry Shop including e-books and print copies of Twist & Knit. In either place, use the code TAXESSUCK to get the 15% discount.

Start planning your summer knitting, and get a discount in the mix 🙂

If you’ve got any questions, please feel free to ask. Or if anything isn’t working, let me know ASAP.


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